Test Adapter Cable (TAC) Manufacturing

A key element of successful Test Program Set development is the interface between the analyzer and the Unit Under Test (UUT). Since the early 2000’s Eclypse has fabricated 1000’s of TAC interfaces to reliably interconnect to UUT’s under the harshest of working conditions.
TAC development starts with the selection of materials that are suitable for the environment where testing will be performed. From back shop clean rooms to active aircraft hangars, using the right materials for the job is key to long and reliable performance. Eclypse engineers and production fabricators have decades of experience designing and manufacturing TAC sets at highly competitive rates and are well known for quality and reliability in the field.
System Integrity Solutions

Eclypse solutions ensure integrity for over 100 military and commercial systems. These deployed solutions include the following systems:
- Anti-Skid
- Auto-Pilot
- Flight Control
- Fuel Quantity
- Automatic Flight Control System
- Forward Looking Infrared Radar
- Inter Communications System
- Secondary Power System
- Circuit Breaker Panels