Test Program Set (TPS) Development

Test programs are at the core of successful test operations. Eclypse has a software engineering department, with decades of combined experience, dedicated to Test Program Set (TPS) development for all our customer needs.
A Test program is what contains specific data about the Unit Under Test (UUT) that the analyzer uses to determine if the system is in proper condition for safe operation. This information contains where circuit paths should exist and also where they should not exist. Further, a test program can also collect measurement data related to the UUT for future analysis which can assist engineers evaluate weak spots in system designs or where parts wear out faster.
TPS development is a critical step in creating thorough and repeatable test procedures. Eclypse offers complete turnkey TPS software and Test Adapter Cable (TAC) design for UUT devices from relay and control panels to harness assemblies of all sizes. Contact us about your specific testing needs today!